Case Studies
"Three year old preschooler presents with developmental delay. Limited attention to task, inability to tailor sit. Prefers to W-sit or long sit. Background information: Student presents with developmental delay. During the pregnancy, she was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction. She was born full term and diagnosed with microcephaly. She experienced many respiratory issues as an infant. She has a G-tube and recently participated in an inpatient feeding program.”
“Thirty eight year old female, mild anxiety, difficulty writing legibly, occasional difficulty organizing thought on paper, trouble finding the correct word or saying an incorrect word when speaking. Background information: Active female. Exercises regularly. Works full-time as a physical therapist. Married with 2 children, ages 8 and 11 years. Past medical history is significant for hypothyroidism, 2 c-sections, mild anxiety.”
“Six year old first grade student mainstreamed into a regular classroom. Difficulty staying focused, following instructions and trouble writing letters. Primary disability is speech/language impairment. The areas affected are articulation, receptive and expressive language, reading math, written language, fine motor skills and behavior. Due to his attention issues and motor planning deficit, FG has trouble executing correct letter formation for his upper and lower case letters.”
“I am a late middle age active female with persistent tightness in my neck and lower back, would like to improve flexibility and reduce anxiety. Persistent tightness in the neck and lower back slows the ability to move and respond quickly. I am anxious about throwing my back into spasm when I transition from the floor to standing or sitting to standing from a low chair. I designed this session to explore ways to use Brain Gym activities and movements to improve flexibility and reduce my anxiety.”